The Coastal Women’s Health G.P clinic is not currently open. We are sorry for any inconvenience. Please call us on 07 5443 4301 if you are seeking gynaecology assistance or recommendations for other options.
Alternatively, you can contact On Point Family Practice, Kawana, 07 5211 0206.


Introductory Offer for New Women’s Clinic

28 July 2015

Introductory Offer for New Women’s Clinic.


Coastal Women’s Health clinic at Maroochydore has been opened in recent weeks for new clients – we have 3 female medical practitioners seeing patients on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday each week.

Services include well women checks / PAP smears / Breast checks / Contraceptive advice and planning / Pregnancy testing / STD checks / Pelvic floor checks and advice / Menopausal assessment, advice and management of HRT / Counselling / Physiotherapy


The clinic is a privately funded clinic with Medicare compliant services.  As part of the opening few months, the clinic is providing services at fees with reduced out-of-pocket costs-



All consultations including extended reviews - $25.00

Implanon insertion  –  $50.00

Implanon - Removal and insertion - $50.00

Mirena IUCD insertion - $150.00


For all appointments and enquiries please phone 5452 7379.

Visit our website at